The title of this 20 episode TV series, which is both suspenseful and quite novel, tells the story of how his older brother, Lu Tianye, reluctantly takes off his military uniform and becomes a security manager in a local area in order to rescue his sister, Lu Xueting, who has kidney disease. Due to her skillful handling of affairs and her sense of justice demonstrated in front of evil forces, the female boss Jiang Xianyue developed feelings towards him
The title of this 20 episode TV series, which is both suspenseful and quite novel, tells the story of how his older brother, Lu Tianye, reluctantly takes off his military uniform and becomes a security manager in a local area in order to rescue his sister, Lu Xueting, who has kidney disease. Due to her skillful handling of affairs and her sense of justice demonstrated in front of evil forces, the female boss Jiang Xianyue developed feelings towards him