Originally a worker in a state-owned unit, Afa (played by Zhang Shi) often dreamed of one day becoming a prominent figure and becoming the general manager. Unexpectedly, reality is cruel. In the wave of reform, Afa was laid off, and his wife Jin Di (played by Niu Li) also ran away from a Hong Kong boss, Ding Dazhong, leaving him and his eight year old son Xiao Bao behind. one
Originally a worker in a state-owned unit, Afa (played by Zhang Shi) often dreamed of one day becoming a prominent figure and becoming the general manager. Unexpectedly, reality is cruel. In the wave of reform, Afa was laid off, and his wife Jin Di (played by Niu Li) also ran away from a Hong Kong boss, Ding Dazhong, leaving him and his eight year old son Xiao Bao behind. one