In the picturesque Daliu Township, a young woman named Liuye started her first farmhouse. On the day when the farmhouse was open, Liuye received a letter from her husband from the United States, who filed for divorce citing cultural differences and personality differences. Thunderbolt from the blue, Liuye almost collapsed. Her relatives, sister-in-law, and sister Jiu, who came to seek refuge with Liuye
In the picturesque Daliu Township, a young woman named Liuye started her first farmhouse. On the day when the farmhouse was open, Liuye received a letter from her husband from the United States, who filed for divorce citing cultural differences and personality differences. Thunderbolt from the blue, Liuye almost collapsed. Her relatives, sister-in-law, and sister Jiu, who came to seek refuge with Liuye