This drama is set against the backdrop of the rise and fall of the famous business name "Dashengkui", with the fate of the protagonist Gu Hai as the main storyline. It vividly depicts the indomitable entrepreneurial history of a generation of Jin merchants and composes a magnificent song of the struggle between humans and nature. During the Qing Dynasty, the huge camel caravan of the "Dashengkui" business was looted and looted in Russia
This drama is set against the backdrop of the rise and fall of the famous business name "Dashengkui", with the fate of the protagonist Gu Hai as the main storyline. It vividly depicts the indomitable entrepreneurial history of a generation of Jin merchants and composes a magnificent song of the struggle between humans and nature. During the Qing Dynasty, the huge camel caravan of the "Dashengkui" business was looted and looted in Russia