Rajikumar Hirani, the box office director of "Three Sills Make a fuss over Bollywood" and "My Gods", teamed up with Lambeer Kapoor, the director of "Buffy's Wonderful Fate", to bring the extraordinary career of Indian legendary actor Sanjay Dart to the big screen. He is the most dazzling star in Bollywood and has also fallen to the darkest trough of life;
Rajikumar Hirani, the box office director of "Three Sills Make a fuss over Bollywood" and "My Gods", teamed up with Lambeer Kapoor, the director of "Buffy's Wonderful Fate", to bring the extraordinary career of Indian legendary actor Sanjay Dart to the big screen. He is the most dazzling star in Bollywood and has also fallen to the darkest trough of life;