At the Shinjo Academy, which exudes youthful vitality, first-year high school student Inoue Xinye (voiced by Hino Kano) accidentally met senior high school sophomore Tomoko Amano (voiced by Kazuka Hanazawa), and thus joined Amano as the head of the literary department, which only had her as a member. Tianye is a strange girl, and literature has a different flavor for her
At the Shinjo Academy, which exudes youthful vitality, first-year high school student Inoue Xinye (voiced by Hino Kano) accidentally met senior high school sophomore Tomoko Amano (voiced by Kazuka Hanazawa), and thus joined Amano as the head of the literary department, which only had her as a member. Tianye is a strange girl, and literature has a different flavor for her