Mandy (played by Luo Huijuan) is a pharmacist who broke up with her boyfriend Jeff (played by Huang Zihua) and started living alone. The neighbor who lives across from her, Nancy (played by Zhen Chuqian), is also a solitary woman who divorced and is accompanied by a cat. Mandy cried alone in the middle of the night. Same level male neighbor (played by Liu Xixian)
Mandy (played by Luo Huijuan) is a pharmacist who broke up with her boyfriend Jeff (played by Huang Zihua) and started living alone. The neighbor who lives across from her, Nancy (played by Zhen Chuqian), is also a solitary woman who divorced and is accompanied by a cat. Mandy cried alone in the middle of the night. Same level male neighbor (played by Liu Xixian)