Liu Jing (played by Stephen Chow), a young man from mainland China who has had divine powers since childhood, encountered a series of misfortunes shortly after arriving in Hong Kong. First, her wallet was stolen, and then her luggage was robbed. However, as a result, she met the carefree and unrestrained (played by Chung Chun tao). Liu Jing searched for a job everywhere, but was still undecided and even got involved in gang struggles
Liu Jing (played by Stephen Chow), a young man from mainland China who has had divine powers since childhood, encountered a series of misfortunes shortly after arriving in Hong Kong. First, her wallet was stolen, and then her luggage was robbed. However, as a result, she met the carefree and unrestrained (played by Chung Chun tao). Liu Jing searched for a job everywhere, but was still undecided and even got involved in gang struggles