Joe (played by Deng Guangrong) is a person of integrity, loyalty, and never narrow-minded in his dealings. Joe's older brother made a bad friend by mistake and was framed by the so-called "brothers" of fugitives (played by Zhang Guozhu, Jiang Fude, and Zhou Bili), and is imprisoned. Joe's attempt to replace his brother was not worth it, and he demanded a large sum of money from the bandits. Unexpectedly, the bandits
Joe (played by Deng Guangrong) is a person of integrity, loyalty, and never narrow-minded in his dealings. Joe's older brother made a bad friend by mistake and was framed by the so-called "brothers" of fugitives (played by Zhang Guozhu, Jiang Fude, and Zhou Bili), and is imprisoned. Joe's attempt to replace his brother was not worth it, and he demanded a large sum of money from the bandits. Unexpectedly, the bandits