This film tells the story of Li Shuangshuang (played by Zhang Ruifang), who has a hot and straightforward personality and likes to meddle in his own affairs. He openly criticizes those who are selfish and greedy for cheap production teams. Her husband Sun Xiwang (played by Zhong Xinghuo) is the opposite of her, timid, face saving, and chauvinistic. The production team is repairing the water channel, and Li Shuangshuang and a few others are idle at home
This film tells the story of Li Shuangshuang (played by Zhang Ruifang), who has a hot and straightforward personality and likes to meddle in his own affairs. He openly criticizes those who are selfish and greedy for cheap production teams. Her husband Sun Xiwang (played by Zhong Xinghuo) is the opposite of her, timid, face saving, and chauvinistic. The production team is repairing the water channel, and Li Shuangshuang and a few others are idle at home