During the Cultural Revolution, Qiao Yeye (played by Li Ling), a female educated youth who went to the countryside, did not recognize the enemy or us. The village chief led her to identify the "four types of elements" in the entire village. When she arrived at the home of the so-called "villain" Jin Zhao (played by Wang Yongge), Jin Zhao's honesty and enthusiasm deeply moved Qiao Yeye. Song Kan, the leader of the educated youth team (played by Cong Lin), is afraid that Qiao Ye Ye may not be able to handle complexity
During the Cultural Revolution, Qiao Yeye (played by Li Ling), a female educated youth who went to the countryside, did not recognize the enemy or us. The village chief led her to identify the "four types of elements" in the entire village. When she arrived at the home of the so-called "villain" Jin Zhao (played by Wang Yongge), Jin Zhao's honesty and enthusiasm deeply moved Qiao Yeye. Song Kan, the leader of the educated youth team (played by Cong Lin), is afraid that Qiao Ye Ye may not be able to handle complexity