Kazuya's unexpected death brought Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Yuji Mizumi), who had once been away from baseball, back to the field with an extremely brilliant and melancholic demeanor. The death of his younger brother left countless sorrows for the living, but it seems to have also provided more possibilities for the relationship between Tatsuya and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko). Afterwards, Da
Kazuya's unexpected death brought Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Yuji Mizumi), who had once been away from baseball, back to the field with an extremely brilliant and melancholic demeanor. The death of his younger brother left countless sorrows for the living, but it seems to have also provided more possibilities for the relationship between Tatsuya and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko). Afterwards, Da