The high school department of Mingqing Academy welcomes a new academic year, and Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Mitsunari Yasuo) and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko Takako) have successfully advanced to the third year of high school. At the beginning of this new journey, everyone in the baseball department encountered a considerable controversy. Coach Xiwei suddenly fell ill, and the previous female manager pushed the department. Xiaonan naturally wouldn't let it go
The high school department of Mingqing Academy welcomes a new academic year, and Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Mitsunari Yasuo) and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko Takako) have successfully advanced to the third year of high school. At the beginning of this new journey, everyone in the baseball department encountered a considerable controversy. Coach Xiwei suddenly fell ill, and the previous female manager pushed the department. Xiaonan naturally wouldn't let it go