The scorching summer has arrived, but Haruki Kyosuke (voiced by Tetsuya Furiya) and Minamoto Kanagawa (voiced by Kazuki Kazuki) have ushered in the most important moments of their lives. The college entrance examination is approaching, and they are working hard for their ideal school. At the same time, the tacit understanding between Chunri and Nianchuan's hearts is increasing day by day, but no one knows that tomorrow will be
The scorching summer has arrived, but Haruki Kyosuke (voiced by Tetsuya Furiya) and Minamoto Kanagawa (voiced by Kazuki Kazuki) have ushered in the most important moments of their lives. The college entrance examination is approaching, and they are working hard for their ideal school. At the same time, the tacit understanding between Chunri and Nianchuan's hearts is increasing day by day, but no one knows that tomorrow will be