Renowned male actor Hiroyuki Makita, who has not appeared in a TV series for a long time, will collaborate with charismatic actress Kyoka Suzuki to star in the Fuji TV summer season's new drama series "The Unmarried Family". This new series is adapted from the manga of the same name by renowned female manga artist Shibata Bun and will be aired on television. Chaimen Wen is one of the most frequently adapted works among Japanese manga artists
Renowned male actor Hiroyuki Makita, who has not appeared in a TV series for a long time, will collaborate with charismatic actress Kyoka Suzuki to star in the Fuji TV summer season's new drama series "The Unmarried Family". This new series is adapted from the manga of the same name by renowned female manga artist Shibata Bun and will be aired on television. Chaimen Wen is one of the most frequently adapted works among Japanese manga artists