The story begins with her and her sister Mei Aifang singing in Lychee when they were children, and they coincidentally meet Zheng Shaoqiu. Later, they are appreciated by Lai Xiaotian and win the first rookie singing competition jointly organized by TVB and Huaxing Records. They then sign a contract with Huaxing. Once, due to her senior's absence, she volunteered to perform in a nightclub, marking her first time on stage with Leslie Cheung
The story begins with her and her sister Mei Aifang singing in Lychee when they were children, and they coincidentally meet Zheng Shaoqiu. Later, they are appreciated by Lai Xiaotian and win the first rookie singing competition jointly organized by TVB and Huaxing Records. They then sign a contract with Huaxing. Once, due to her senior's absence, she volunteered to perform in a nightclub, marking her first time on stage with Leslie Cheung