Fat Cat (played by Zheng Zeshi) follows his will to search for his siblings who were abandoned by his mother in the early years after his mother (played by Bao Qijing) withdrew from the world. In the vast sea of people, the road to finding relatives is like finding a needle in a haystack. After several searches, he found his second brother Hua Shijie (played by Guan Lijie), who was already the deputy director of a certain hospital. Hua Zai regarded himself as a high minded person and had a deep understanding of him
Fat Cat (played by Zheng Zeshi) follows his will to search for his siblings who were abandoned by his mother in the early years after his mother (played by Bao Qijing) withdrew from the world. In the vast sea of people, the road to finding relatives is like finding a needle in a haystack. After several searches, he found his second brother Hua Shijie (played by Guan Lijie), who was already the deputy director of a certain hospital. Hua Zai regarded himself as a high minded person and had a deep understanding of him