The story of the drama revolves around the digital relics left by the deceased. Takayuki Yamada plays Keiji Sakakami, who suffers from a lower limb disability due to an unknown illness and can only live in a wheelchair. Masahiro Suga plays Yutaro Maki, who hides his unknown past. Keiji's lawyer sister Sakakami is played by Kumiko Aso. The play
The story of the drama revolves around the digital relics left by the deceased. Takayuki Yamada plays Keiji Sakakami, who suffers from a lower limb disability due to an unknown illness and can only live in a wheelchair. Masahiro Suga plays Yutaro Maki, who hides his unknown past. Keiji's lawyer sister Sakakami is played by Kumiko Aso. The play