The innocent and kind-hearted Yuko Kitabakawa (voiced by Ayako Shozaki), the tough and gentle Nagabara (voiced by Yuki Kanako), the free spirited Shina Makino (voiced by Nagasaki Shuri), and the cold and hot Asano Shizo (voiced by Baihehui Yamashita), accompanied each other and spent the happiest three years of their lives,
The innocent and kind-hearted Yuko Kitabakawa (voiced by Ayako Shozaki), the tough and gentle Nagabara (voiced by Yuki Kanako), the free spirited Shina Makino (voiced by Nagasaki Shuri), and the cold and hot Asano Shizo (voiced by Baihehui Yamashita), accompanied each other and spent the happiest three years of their lives,