This drama tells the story of an ordinary high school student named Ryoma Ikeda (Yoshitaka Hosoda) who, on the day of the high school entrance ceremony, failed all the exams in a volunteer school and finally got into a private Meinan School after passing them twice. On the way to school, for some unknown reason, women led by high school female students, including those who looked like company employees, and even grandmothers, are all
This drama tells the story of an ordinary high school student named Ryoma Ikeda (Yoshitaka Hosoda) who, on the day of the high school entrance ceremony, failed all the exams in a volunteer school and finally got into a private Meinan School after passing them twice. On the way to school, for some unknown reason, women led by high school female students, including those who looked like company employees, and even grandmothers, are all