"Restarting Sakurada" is adapted from the light novel "Restarting Sakurada" created by Yukio Kono and illustrated by Yoshitaka Shizumi. The live action movie is divided into two parts for release: the first part was released on March 25, 2017, and the second part was released on May 13, 2017. The movie stars Yuhei Nomura and Keicai Kuroshima, and is written and executed by Rongyang Fukawa
"Restarting Sakurada" is adapted from the light novel "Restarting Sakurada" created by Yukio Kono and illustrated by Yoshitaka Shizumi. The live action movie is divided into two parts for release: the first part was released on March 25, 2017, and the second part was released on May 13, 2017. The movie stars Yuhei Nomura and Keicai Kuroshima, and is written and executed by Rongyang Fukawa