The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty, when Western powers bombarded the long locked door of the Eastern Sleeping Lion with foreign guns and cannons. Empress Dowager Cixi covered the sky with only her hand and had no intention of national luck. The land of China is charred with life, and the people are struggling to make ends meet. The spark of revolution is brewing vigorously, and it is about to become a raging fire capable of overthrowing the dynasty. Born in Liu Yongfu's Black Flag Army
The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty, when Western powers bombarded the long locked door of the Eastern Sleeping Lion with foreign guns and cannons. Empress Dowager Cixi covered the sky with only her hand and had no intention of national luck. The land of China is charred with life, and the people are struggling to make ends meet. The spark of revolution is brewing vigorously, and it is about to become a raging fire capable of overthrowing the dynasty. Born in Liu Yongfu's Black Flag Army