The Legend of MT: The War Chronicles of Shan Kou Shan
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Zhou Bin
China Mainland
Mandarin Chinese
The experience level one Tauren Ai Mu Ti (voiced by Milk Tea) holds a heroic dream of fighting against a level 100 dragon, but is constantly threatened with being caught and "stewed with potatoes". He, along with his fellow beginners Yoyo and CBI, unexpectedly obtained a book called "Battle of Yamaguchi"
The experience level one Tauren Ai Mu Ti (voiced by Milk Tea) holds a heroic dream of fighting against a level 100 dragon, but is constantly threatened with being caught and "stewed with potatoes". He, along with his fellow beginners Yoyo and CBI, unexpectedly obtained a book called "Battle of Yamaguchi"