Crayon Shin-chan: Mystery! Flower-Filled Kasukabe Academy
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Takahashi Shoji
It tells the story of the Chunri Ministry Defense Team, composed of Xiaoxin and others, who were invited by Fengjian to experience life at a high-end private school. However, Fengjian soon became a "fool" due to strange reasons after entering the school. The Chunri Defense Team will work together with the president of the student union at this school to overcome numerous difficulties
It tells the story of the Chunri Ministry Defense Team, composed of Xiaoxin and others, who were invited by Fengjian to experience life at a high-end private school. However, Fengjian soon became a "fool" due to strange reasons after entering the school. The Chunri Defense Team will work together with the president of the student union at this school to overcome numerous difficulties