The Sergeant's Big Movie 2: The Princess of the Deep Sea
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Yamaguchi Susumu, Satou Junichi
Just as the Keroro team was advancing towards the fourth year of TV anime, their second theatrical version, "Super Theater version of Keroro Juncao 2: Princess of the Deep Sea, Yes!" was about to start airing in Japan on March 17th. After the end of the first theatrical version that promotes "friendship", this theatrical version will have a significant impact
Just as the Keroro team was advancing towards the fourth year of TV anime, their second theatrical version, "Super Theater version of Keroro Juncao 2: Princess of the Deep Sea, Yes!" was about to start airing in Japan on March 17th. After the end of the first theatrical version that promotes "friendship", this theatrical version will have a significant impact