The three literary swordsmen, Sha Guo (played by Chen He), Huang Xiaogua (played by Zhang Luyi), and Ma Dai (played by Cao Lu), experienced a life of shared prosperity and hardship as they drifted north. The emergence of wealthy lady Ma (played by Wang Ji) brought a dawn to their careers. In order to win over Sister Ma's investment, "Micro Man" Sha Guo began a difficult script creation
The three literary swordsmen, Sha Guo (played by Chen He), Huang Xiaogua (played by Zhang Luyi), and Ma Dai (played by Cao Lu), experienced a life of shared prosperity and hardship as they drifted north. The emergence of wealthy lady Ma (played by Wang Ji) brought a dawn to their careers. In order to win over Sister Ma's investment, "Micro Man" Sha Guo began a difficult script creation