Gang Tian Mengnan (played by Ryohira Suzuki) is a burly high school student with a height of two meters and a weight of two hundred pounds, as his name suggests. In school, the tough guy is deeply trusted by the back of the club and is an unshakable idol in the minds of the younger generation. However, in the eyes of girls, the tough guy with a fierce and ferocious appearance is unintentionally a nightmare like existence
Gang Tian Mengnan (played by Ryohira Suzuki) is a burly high school student with a height of two meters and a weight of two hundred pounds, as his name suggests. In school, the tough guy is deeply trusted by the back of the club and is an unshakable idol in the minds of the younger generation. However, in the eyes of girls, the tough guy with a fierce and ferocious appearance is unintentionally a nightmare like existence