Detective Han Dujing (played by Zheng Yusheng), who is in the eye of the typhoon, is sandwiched between Mayor Park Cheng pei (played by Huang Zhengmin) and the detective team investigating him, doing whatever it takes to survive. The biggest villain in the film, Mayor Park Cheng pei, does everything for personal gain. Detective Wen Xianmo (played by Zhu Zhixun), under the command of Han Dujing
Detective Han Dujing (played by Zheng Yusheng), who is in the eye of the typhoon, is sandwiched between Mayor Park Cheng pei (played by Huang Zhengmin) and the detective team investigating him, doing whatever it takes to survive. The biggest villain in the film, Mayor Park Cheng pei, does everything for personal gain. Detective Wen Xianmo (played by Zhu Zhixun), under the command of Han Dujing