The film tells the story of the ukiyo-e painter Kakusai portraying Kitajima during the Edo period, mainly revolving around Kitajima in his youth and the famous publisher Shizaburo Inoue (the name of the famous bookstore Tsutaya is derived from his surname), Kitajima in his old age and his partner Ryutaka Nakahiko. Liu Leyoumi plays the role of youth
The film tells the story of the ukiyo-e painter Kakusai portraying Kitajima during the Edo period, mainly revolving around Kitajima in his youth and the famous publisher Shizaburo Inoue (the name of the famous bookstore Tsutaya is derived from his surname), Kitajima in his old age and his partner Ryutaka Nakahiko. Liu Leyoumi plays the role of youth