For a long time, Akira Miyamoto (played by Hero Ishiguri) has lived in the shadow of his older brother Toku (played by Daiichi Watanabe). Toku not only looks handsome but also has excellent character and education. Compared to Toku, who is deeply loved by his family, Akira Miyamoto, who spends his days doing nothing but learning, is like a jumping clown. However, one day, the perfect Du suddenly disappeared
For a long time, Akira Miyamoto (played by Hero Ishiguri) has lived in the shadow of his older brother Toku (played by Daiichi Watanabe). Toku not only looks handsome but also has excellent character and education. Compared to Toku, who is deeply loved by his family, Akira Miyamoto, who spends his days doing nothing but learning, is like a jumping clown. However, one day, the perfect Du suddenly disappeared