Kang Xizhen (played by Minami Shomei), a female college student studying in Seoul, works tirelessly every day and is exhausted. On this day, she received a phone call from her mother and learned that her sister Shao Zhen (played by Shen Enjing) was missing and her whereabouts were unknown. She hurried back to her hometown, but her mother was so obsessed that she thought Shao Zhen could return home only by praying piously.
Kang Xizhen (played by Minami Shomei), a female college student studying in Seoul, works tirelessly every day and is exhausted. On this day, she received a phone call from her mother and learned that her sister Shao Zhen (played by Shen Enjing) was missing and her whereabouts were unknown. She hurried back to her hometown, but her mother was so obsessed that she thought Shao Zhen could return home only by praying piously.