Monica MitcheLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. YiLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yi
English (repeated)
In order to protect her estranged sister, the outstanding detective novelist and crime expert Grace (played by Alisa Milano) rushes back to her home in Washington D.C. When my younger sister was murdered, the fact that she was secretly doing online live streaming also surfaced. Grace ignores the calm headed detective Ed (played by Sam Page) as a police officer
In order to protect her estranged sister, the outstanding detective novelist and crime expert Grace (played by Alisa Milano) rushes back to her home in Washington D.C. When my younger sister was murdered, the fact that she was secretly doing online live streaming also surfaced. Grace ignores the calm headed detective Ed (played by Sam Page) as a police officer