The film tells the story of the Monkey God Sun Xiaotian (played by Xie Miao) who unexpectedly enters the world ten years later due to a sudden mysterious fire. After struggling to break free from the entanglement of his fan sister Shi Piaopiao (played by He Lantou), he discovers that he was once buried in a sea of fire. His old partners Yang Jiuli (played by Jin Yana) and Dongfang Mo (played by Lin Yu) also join him
The film tells the story of the Monkey God Sun Xiaotian (played by Xie Miao) who unexpectedly enters the world ten years later due to a sudden mysterious fire. After struggling to break free from the entanglement of his fan sister Shi Piaopiao (played by He Lantou), he discovers that he was once buried in a sea of fire. His old partners Yang Jiuli (played by Jin Yana) and Dongfang Mo (played by Lin Yu) also join him