In 1998, Hideyoshi's parents got married with their two children. The father's eldest son, Hideyoshi (played by Yoon Sang hyun), was a gentle ethics teacher, and his second son, Hideyoshi, was a student who dreamed of becoming a police officer; Mother's eldest son Dong Xiu (played by Song Shixi) is a flamboyant tattoo artist, while her second daughter Xian Zhen wants to become
In 1998, Hideyoshi's parents got married with their two children. The father's eldest son, Hideyoshi (played by Yoon Sang hyun), was a gentle ethics teacher, and his second son, Hideyoshi, was a student who dreamed of becoming a police officer; Mother's eldest son Dong Xiu (played by Song Shixi) is a flamboyant tattoo artist, while her second daughter Xian Zhen wants to become