The story begins in the turbulent year of 1949, when businessman Chen Xiaoyi (played by Chen Zhipeng) mortgages the family heirloom jade seal given to him by his fianc é e Li Jinnan to Kudaizi (played by Hu Yue), in order to alleviate the urgent needs of his friend Ma Yunlu (played by Cao Li). Who knew that this action caused a misunderstanding and disappointment among Li Jinnan, who was unaware of the truth
The story begins in the turbulent year of 1949, when businessman Chen Xiaoyi (played by Chen Zhipeng) mortgages the family heirloom jade seal given to him by his fianc é e Li Jinnan to Kudaizi (played by Hu Yue), in order to alleviate the urgent needs of his friend Ma Yunlu (played by Cao Li). Who knew that this action caused a misunderstanding and disappointment among Li Jinnan, who was unaware of the truth