Wu Ke (played by Jin Rong), who was abandoned by his parents since childhood and adopted by Canadians to Vancouver, mistakenly killed the brother of gang leader Billy while helping his friends. After being released from prison, he was seeking revenge and was shot in the head, but fortunately survived. However, he was unable to retrieve the factor bullet and only had six months left in his life. Wu Ke decided to return to China to search for his biological parents before his death,
Wu Ke (played by Jin Rong), who was abandoned by his parents since childhood and adopted by Canadians to Vancouver, mistakenly killed the brother of gang leader Billy while helping his friends. After being released from prison, he was seeking revenge and was shot in the head, but fortunately survived. However, he was unable to retrieve the factor bullet and only had six months left in his life. Wu Ke decided to return to China to search for his biological parents before his death,