The story takes place in a large ocean world, where fish seller Uncle Ya (played by Ge You), dolphin trainer Ale (played by Yue Yunpeng), and aquarium security guard Du Zhiguo (played by Du Chun) meet and sympathize with each other due to their work. They struggled hard, but ultimately suffered emotional setbacks. That night, the three of them had a dinner together, borrowing wine to drown their sorrows
The story takes place in a large ocean world, where fish seller Uncle Ya (played by Ge You), dolphin trainer Ale (played by Yue Yunpeng), and aquarium security guard Du Zhiguo (played by Du Chun) meet and sympathize with each other due to their work. They struggled hard, but ultimately suffered emotional setbacks. That night, the three of them had a dinner together, borrowing wine to drown their sorrows