Xu could be transLated to Xu in English, as it is a Chinese surname that doesn't have a direct English equivalent. If this is a specific person's name, it would be more accurate to use their official English name or transliteration if avaiLable. Chao
China Mainland
Mandarin Chinese
A newlywed couple, facing the trend of buying a house, has repeatedly joined the army of house buyers. My wife (played by Yoon Yoon) initially set her sights on a two bedroom apartment, which is suitable for this small family in terms of price and applicability. But under the influence of people around me and my own vanity,
A newlywed couple, facing the trend of buying a house, has repeatedly joined the army of house buyers. My wife (played by Yoon Yoon) initially set her sights on a two bedroom apartment, which is suitable for this small family in terms of price and applicability. But under the influence of people around me and my own vanity,