The story takes place during the Anti Japanese War. Wolf Warrior (played by Wu Qilong), Zhuangzi (played by Xie Mengwei), and Dong'er (played by Yang Tingting), who are hunting, coincidentally encounter a guerrilla team engaged in fire with the Japanese army on the mountain. Seeing that the guerrilla team is about to suffer losses, they quickly lend a helping hand, rescue Wang Ai (played by Gan Tingting), and intercept the Japanese gas raw materials
The story takes place during the Anti Japanese War. Wolf Warrior (played by Wu Qilong), Zhuangzi (played by Xie Mengwei), and Dong'er (played by Yang Tingting), who are hunting, coincidentally encounter a guerrilla team engaged in fire with the Japanese army on the mountain. Seeing that the guerrilla team is about to suffer losses, they quickly lend a helping hand, rescue Wang Ai (played by Gan Tingting), and intercept the Japanese gas raw materials