The story background of "Blood of the Lone Wolf" is Hiroshima before the implementation of the Black Society Strategy Act in 1988. Hideyoshi Rioka, who was dispatched to the local police station, was responsible for investigating the disappearance of financial company employees, along with the rumored criminal police officer Osamu Ohata, who was colluding with the underworld. Rioka is puzzled by his unconventional investigative methods
The story background of "Blood of the Lone Wolf" is Hiroshima before the implementation of the Black Society Strategy Act in 1988. Hideyoshi Rioka, who was dispatched to the local police station, was responsible for investigating the disappearance of financial company employees, along with the rumored criminal police officer Osamu Ohata, who was colluding with the underworld. Rioka is puzzled by his unconventional investigative methods