During World War II, Ma Dashan (played by Jiang Wen), a farmer from Guajiatai Village in Hebei Province, China, lived a peaceful life under Japanese rule. One night, a guerrilla team kidnapped Japanese Army soldier Kogoro Kawagawa (played by Akira Kawagawa) and translator Dong Hanchen, tied them up, stuffed them into burlap bags, and placed them at Ma Dashan's house
During World War II, Ma Dashan (played by Jiang Wen), a farmer from Guajiatai Village in Hebei Province, China, lived a peaceful life under Japanese rule. One night, a guerrilla team kidnapped Japanese Army soldier Kogoro Kawagawa (played by Akira Kawagawa) and translator Dong Hanchen, tied them up, stuffed them into burlap bags, and placed them at Ma Dashan's house