The single Daigo Minako (played by Yuko Tanaka) works as a cashier at a supermarket, doing a morning job delivering milk and savoring a pile of books at home at night. Menako sends milk every morning to Minako and her high school classmate Takahashi Sado (played by Ichigo Kishiba)'s home. One day, Huaiduo's wife Rongzi accidentally found out that every morning
The single Daigo Minako (played by Yuko Tanaka) works as a cashier at a supermarket, doing a morning job delivering milk and savoring a pile of books at home at night. Menako sends milk every morning to Minako and her high school classmate Takahashi Sado (played by Ichigo Kishiba)'s home. One day, Huaiduo's wife Rongzi accidentally found out that every morning