Kang Dou (played by Song Kanghao) is an ordinary yet somewhat confused middle-aged man who lives with his daughter Xuan Shu (played by Gao Yacheng) and his family. He runs a small shop by the Han River and leads a quiet and peaceful life. Kangdou's father Xifeng (played by Bian Xifeng) is a kind old man, and his younger brother Nanri (played by Park Hairi) is the only one in the family
Kang Dou (played by Song Kanghao) is an ordinary yet somewhat confused middle-aged man who lives with his daughter Xuan Shu (played by Gao Yacheng) and his family. He runs a small shop by the Han River and leads a quiet and peaceful life. Kangdou's father Xifeng (played by Bian Xifeng) is a kind old man, and his younger brother Nanri (played by Park Hairi) is the only one in the family