Detective Wen Fang (played by Li Ming) of the Serious Crime Unit has become irritable and eccentric since his wife was murdered two months ago. He is often complained about for roughing up on prisoners. During the investigation of a prostitute murder case, Wen Fang met the senior inspector of the district, Ji Shaoqun (played by Ren Xianqi), and sent his subordinates to help him retrieve the stolen phone.
Detective Wen Fang (played by Li Ming) of the Serious Crime Unit has become irritable and eccentric since his wife was murdered two months ago. He is often complained about for roughing up on prisoners. During the investigation of a prostitute murder case, Wen Fang met the senior inspector of the district, Ji Shaoqun (played by Ren Xianqi), and sent his subordinates to help him retrieve the stolen phone.