"The Legend of Fu Hongxue" was produced by ATV in 1989, adapted from Gu Long's famous works "The Wanderer in the Border Town" and "The Sword of the Moon in the End of the World". The version of "The Legend of Fu Hongxue" invited the handsome young man Hui Tianci, who is skilled in ancient martial arts dramas and excels in acting, to portray the unsmiling male lead in the play. He portrayed Fu Hongxue's
"The Legend of Fu Hongxue" was produced by ATV in 1989, adapted from Gu Long's famous works "The Wanderer in the Border Town" and "The Sword of the Moon in the End of the World". The version of "The Legend of Fu Hongxue" invited the handsome young man Hui Tianci, who is skilled in ancient martial arts dramas and excels in acting, to portray the unsmiling male lead in the play. He portrayed Fu Hongxue's