The film is set in Tokyo in 1995. The protagonist, Soichiro Takakura (played by Kenji Yamazaki), inherits the wishes of his deceased father, Matsushita, and studies plasma batteries. He lives a stable and stable life with his beloved cat Pete and Matsushita's daughter Riko. However, Zong Yilang was betrayed by his partner and fianc é e, and his company
The film is set in Tokyo in 1995. The protagonist, Soichiro Takakura (played by Kenji Yamazaki), inherits the wishes of his deceased father, Matsushita, and studies plasma batteries. He lives a stable and stable life with his beloved cat Pete and Matsushita's daughter Riko. However, Zong Yilang was betrayed by his partner and fianc é e, and his company