Qingliu Yachun (played by Sakai Yaren), a staff member living in Sendai, is a young man with delicate emotions, kindness, and gentleness. Two years ago, he became a well-known hero in the local area for rescuing the popular female celebrity Rinka (played by Kazuki Kando) who was threatened by criminals. One day, he received his college friend Morita Mori
Qingliu Yachun (played by Sakai Yaren), a staff member living in Sendai, is a young man with delicate emotions, kindness, and gentleness. Two years ago, he became a well-known hero in the local area for rescuing the popular female celebrity Rinka (played by Kazuki Kando) who was threatened by criminals. One day, he received his college friend Morita Mori