The evening after young architect Ray (played by Fang Zhongxin) moved into his new home with his wife May (played by Shu Qi) and 5-year-old son Zilu (played by Tan Junhao), something strange happened. While playing with Zilu in the rooftop garden, May saw Zilu being mysteriously pulled out of the rooftop by a powerful force and falling off the building, missing. Next, Ma
The evening after young architect Ray (played by Fang Zhongxin) moved into his new home with his wife May (played by Shu Qi) and 5-year-old son Zilu (played by Tan Junhao), something strange happened. While playing with Zilu in the rooftop garden, May saw Zilu being mysteriously pulled out of the rooftop by a powerful force and falling off the building, missing. Next, Ma