In the autumn of 1942, a mysterious convoy was ambushed by the Japanese army in the wilderness. At this moment, the Hunter Squad of the Eighth Route Army, Zuo Yingjie and Ling Feng, who were lurking between the mountains, followed the sound of gunfire and arrived. The two of them cooperated ingeniously, sniping and killing the Japanese army one by one from a long distance, saving the only survivor of the convoy. Upon returning to the base, I learned that the survivor's name was Qin Weizhou, who was
In the autumn of 1942, a mysterious convoy was ambushed by the Japanese army in the wilderness. At this moment, the Hunter Squad of the Eighth Route Army, Zuo Yingjie and Ling Feng, who were lurking between the mountains, followed the sound of gunfire and arrived. The two of them cooperated ingeniously, sniping and killing the Japanese army one by one from a long distance, saving the only survivor of the convoy. Upon returning to the base, I learned that the survivor's name was Qin Weizhou, who was