Screenwritten by Keiwa Okada, this article describes 28 year old Kazuko (Takahata Shoki) who enters and works at the Kazuoki Old Shop. He leads a new business development team called TEAM, with one of his subordinates being a retired 68 year old club member named Reni Moto (Masao Kusa) who is rehired. Although Cocoon feels a sense of belonging to this newcomer who is 40 years behind her
Screenwritten by Keiwa Okada, this article describes 28 year old Kazuko (Takahata Shoki) who enters and works at the Kazuoki Old Shop. He leads a new business development team called TEAM, with one of his subordinates being a retired 68 year old club member named Reni Moto (Masao Kusa) who is rehired. Although Cocoon feels a sense of belonging to this newcomer who is 40 years behind her